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  • mineral mineraller

    Mineraller ( Öğr.Gör. Suzan Cömert ÖZATA )

    MİNERALLER Öğr.Gör. Suzan Cömert Özata KALSİYUM Kemiklerin, dişlerin yapımı Kasların kasılması Sinirlerin çalışması Normal kan basıncının sağlanması Hücrelerin bir arada tutulması Yetersizliği Raşitizm Osteomalasia Osteoporoz Kalsiyum emilimini D vitamini, laktoz, C vitamini, organik asitler ve bazı amino asitler kolaylaştırır. Yumurta sarısı, kurubaklagiller, yağlı tohumlar Fosfor Kalsiyumla birlikte kemiklerin, dişlerin oluşumunda, besinlerin metabolizmasında görevli enzimlerin yapısında bulunur Hücre çalışması (hücre içi – dışı sıvı dengesi) Yetersizliği Sık görülmez Uzun süreli İlaç kullanımıda fosfor emilimi azalır Kas, kemik, sinir sis. Aksaklıkları Süt, et, tavuk, balık, yumurta, tahıllar, kurubaklagiller, yağlı tohumlar Sodyum –…


    Carbohydrate Chemistry ( Dr. Herat D. Soni )

    Carbohydrate chemistry Dr. Herat D. Soni Assistant professor Rural medical college Loni Definition  Carbohydrates may be defined as polyhydroxy aldehydes or ketones or compounds which produce them on hydrolysis.  Formula = (C.H2O)n Biomedical Importance  Most abundant dietary source of energy. Brain cells and RBCs are almost wholly dependent on carbohydrates as the energy source.  Also serve as storage form of energy –Glycogen.  Carbohydrates are precursors for many organic compounds (fats, amino acids).  Participate in the structure of cell membrane & cellular functions (cell growth,…


    Structural Analysis of Phospholids in Complex Mixtures Using Electrospray Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometry

    Structural analysis of phospholids in complex mixtures using Electrospray Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometry Fabiola Dionisi Elif Büyükpamukçu Nestlé Research Centre Switzerland Outline of the presentation Definition and properties of PLs Analytical methods for PLs LC-ESI-MS/MS method Applications Conclusions DEFINITIONS AND PROPERTIES OF PLs What are phospholipids (PLs)? Large class of molecules classified according to the polar head group present (eg.): PCs: phosphatidylcholines PEs: phosphatidylethanolamines PIs: phosphatidylinositols PSs: phosphatidylserines … 


    Food Emulsions ( Prof. Abd Karim Alias )

    FOOD EMULSIONS Abd Karim Alias, 2013 Prof. Abd Karim Alias Universiti Sains Malaysia An emulsion consists of two immiscible liquids (oil & water), with one of the liquids dispersed as small spherical droplets in the other. In foods, the diameter of these droplets usually falls somewhere in the range 0.1 – 100 μm. Food Emulsion Two types of simple emulsion: Water-in-oil (w/o): margarine, butter, spreads Oil-in-water (o/w): mayonnaise, salad dressings, milk, beverages, cream, soups, sauces The dispersed and/or continuous phase of many food emulsions may be partly crystalline, rather than…



    β-Glukanlar (beta-glukanlar) β-glikozidik bağlarla birbirine bağlanmış D glukoz monomerlerinden oluşan polisakkaritlerdir. β-Glukanlar, moleküler kütleleri, çözünürlükleri, viskoziteleri ve üç boyutlu şekilleri bakımından büyük çeşitlilik gösterirler. En yaygın olarak bitkilerde selüloz, tahıl tohumlarında kepek, ekmek mayası’nın hücre duvarı, bazı fungus, mantar ve bakterilerde bulunur. Bazı beta-glukan türleri insan beslenmesi için faydalıdır, suda çözünür lif katkısı olarak ve kıvamlandırıcı olarak kullanılırlar. Ancak biracılıkta beta-glukanlar bir sorun sayılır. Genel bakış Glukanlar yapısal bileşen olarak sadece glukoz içeren ve birbirlerine β glikozidik bağlarla bağlanmış polisakkaritlerdir. Şekerlerin standart çiziminde halka oksijeninin iki yanındaki karbonlardaki substituent grupların…


    Characteristics of Starch

    Characteristics of Starch Storage form of carbohydrates in plants Sources: Cereal endosperm Wheat Corn Roots and tubers Cassava Potatoes Hot water + Starch = Lump formation Starch granules must first be separated 4 ways: Coat starch granules with hot fat Coat starch granules with cold fat Disperse starch in cold water Separate granules using sugar Gelatinization Starch heated with water Viscosity increases Maximum viscosity occurs @ 194°C Pasting Occurs when heated beyond gelatinization Becomes pasty and swollen Composition of Starch Amylose Linear chain of glucose molecules Source: Cereal starches Include…


    Experiment: Determination of Fat

    Name of Experiment            : DETERMINATION OF FAT QUESTIONS What is the principle of soxhelet extraction apparatus? The principle of soxhelet extraction apparatus is to occur an intermittent extraction with excess of fresh condensed solvent in a special sample tube with a siphon attachment. The sample is held in a porous filter container such as thimble, and extracted fat returns with the solvent when siphoned, but does not redistill with the solvent and condense back to the sample. What is the function of lipids on human body? They are source of…


    Laboratory‎ > Determination of Moisture Content ( Kenan ÖZ )

    FE 272 FOOD CHEMISTRY LAB Experiment 1 DETERMİNATİON OF MOISTURE CONTENT Name of Experiment            : DETERMINATION OF MOISTURE CONTENT Number of Experiment       : 1 Submitted by                        : Kenan ÖZ QUESTIONS Define the moisture content. The determination of moisture is one of the most important and widely used analytical measurements in the processing and testing of food products. The moisture content is frequently an index of stability and quality, and is also a measure of yield and quantity of food solids. It is closely concerned with the economics and legal aspects…

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